
<!-- ... --> It is used give a comment or description. Sentences located on this container will not be visible in the web page.
<!DOCTYPE> It defines the document type.
<a> It defines an anchor, this is used to link one HTML document to another HTML document.
<abbr> It is used to describe an abbreviated expression and you can provide useful information to page source browsers.
<acronym> It defines an acronym or function, this tag is more or less the same as the<abbr>.
<address> It defines contact information for the author or owner of the document.
<applet> It is used to insert java file into the HTML document.
<area/> It defines a clickable area (link) on the image map.
<b> It makes the text bold.
<base> It defines the base / target URL for all relative URLs in the document.
<basefont/> It creates default text attributes, such as color, size, font type for all text in the document.
<bdo> It is used to override text direction.
<big> It increases the text size by one point from the default.
<blink> It makes text blink.
<blockquote> It defines a long quote. In the browser, the text will appear indented.
<body> It defines body or content of an HTML document, serves to determine how the contents of a document are displayed in the web page. The contents of the document can be in the form of text, images, animations, links and so on
<br/> It adds new line or line break.
<button> It defines a button clicked.
<caption> It creates a caption for a table.
<center> It creates center alignment of text or images.
<cite> It defines a quote.
<code> It defines a section of computer code.
<col/> It defines attribute values of one or more columns in a table.
<colgroup> It specifies a group of one or more columns in a table for performance.
<dd> It defines a description of the item in the definition list.
<del> It is used to center line the text or cross out the text.
<dfn> IIt defines the definition term.
<dir> It defines a directory listing.
<div> It defines a section in the document.
<dl> It defines the definition list.
<dt> It defines a term in the definition list.
<em> Makes text italic. The function of this tag is same as the <i> tag but the <em> tag is more recommended/emphasized in use for the italic text.
<embed> It is used to insert video files or music files.
<feildset> It is used to group related elements in a form or create like a frame-box in a form.
<font> It defines the font type, color and size for the text.
<form> It defines an HTML form for form input.
<frame/> It defines a frame in a frameset.
<frameset> It defines a set of frames.
<h1>to<h6> It is used to indicate the beginning of a header/ title of the HTML document.
<head> It is used to provide information about the document.
<hr/> It creates a horizontal line.
<html> It defines the root of an HTML document.
<i> It makes the text italic.
<iframe> It defines an inline frame.
<img> It is the function which is used to display images in HTML documents.
<input/> It defines the input field on the form.
<ins> It makes the text underlined.
<kbd> It defines the text input from the keyboard.
<label> It defines a label for an <input> element.
<legend> It defines a caption for the <feildset> element
<li> It is used to display information in the form of a list item.
<link/> It defines the relationship between a document and its external source.
<listing> Function of this tag is same as the <pre> tag and it is recommended to use the <pre> tag because the <listing> tag is not feasible/protested.
<map> It defines a client-side image map.
<marquee> It makes text run vertical or horizontal in manner.
<menu> It defines a menu list.
<meta> It defines metadata about an HTML document.
<nobr> It prevents line breaks in text or images.
<noframes> If the user’s browser does not support frames.
<noscript> If the user’s browser does not support client-side scripts.
<object> It embeds an object.
<ol> It defines a list in numbered format.
<optgroup> It displays several grouped options in the form of a drop-down list.
<option> It displays multiple options in a drop-down list.
<p> It creates a paragraph.
<param> It defines a parameter for the object.
<pre> It creates text with the same font size.
<q> It defines a short quote.
<s> It is used to center the text or strike out text, function of this tag is same as <del> tag but <s> tag is not recommended instead using <del> tag.
<samp> It defines a sample output from a computer program.
<script> It defines a client-side script.
<select> It creates a drop-down list.
<small> It reduces the text-size from the default size.
<span> It defines a section in the document.
<strike> It is used to center the text or strike out the text, function of this tag is same as <del> tag.
<strong> It makes text bold, function of this tag is same as <b> tag.
<style> It defines style information for an HTML document.
<sub> It adds a subscript effect to the text.
<sup> It adds a superscript effect to the text.
<table> It creates a table.
<tbody> It is used to group body contents in a table.
<td> It defines a cell in a table.
<textarea> It defines a multiline input control.
<tfoot> It is used to group footer contents in a table.
<th> It defines a header cell in a table.
<thead> It is used to group header contents in a table.
<title> It creates a title for an HTML document.
<tr> It creates a row in a table.
<tt> It defines teletype text.
<u> It creates underlined text, the function of this tag is same as the <ins> tag, but the <u> tag is not recommended for the HTML text formatting category but belongs to the HTML Style category.
<ul> It defines a list in a bullet format.
<var> It defines a variable.
<xmp> It defines preformatted text, this tag is same as <pre> tag.

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